
2024-05-09 14:00:00 2024-05-09 15:00:00 Pi Radio

«Beatniks» Frankfurt 1/2024 #39
Donnerstag, 09. Mai 2024, 14:00 bis 15:00 Uhr

Jetzt ist Zeit für Enthusiasten der späten sechziger / frühen siebziger Jahre, die sich dem Garage und der Psychedelika in all ihren Formen widmen.
  1. The British North-American Act - Don't Run Away
  2. Roy Junior - Victim Of Circumstances
  3. Owl - Spirits
  4. Smith Vinson - Hallucinations
  5. Marilyn Mattson - He Means So Much To Me
  6. Jonah P. Jones - Sunrise Highway
  7. Tommorrows’ Keepsake - Elevator Operator
  8. Caballo Vapor - Busco El Sol, No Se Adonde Voy
  9. Warm Sounds - Nite Is A-Comin'
  10. The Swingin' Apolloes - Chained And Bound
  11. Phil Wainman - Going, Going, Gone
  12. The Sunshine Company - Four In The Mornin'
  13. Gentry - Attempted Contact
  14. The Guys Who Came Up From Downstairs - Growth
  15. Mother Island - Electric Son
  16. We The People... - My Brother, The Man
  17. Morocco - Opa Kukla
  18. Morning Glory - Jelly Gas Flame
  19. Lemon Fog - Echoes Of Time
  20. Vince Brittan Jr. - The Only Thing, The Better Thing
  21. Mother Island - Santa Cruz


DJs Konrad Hasse and Marc-André Brucker present Psychedelic, Garage and other obscurities.

Late-sixties / early-seventies enthusiast dedicated to garage and psychedelia in all of its forms. Resident of Frankfurt's ultimate psychedelic underground club night The UP CLUB.

Eine Sendungsübernahme von Radio X aus Frankfurt am Main.

88,4 MHz - Pi Radio